See the International Space Station with the naked eye.
Have you seen the International Space Station? It is visible with the naked eye!
ISS Detector is the must have app for every one who likes astronomy.
ISS Detector is an easy to use automatic personal ISS tracker and sat tracker. With a build in system for notifications and alarms. You will never miss a pass of the International Space Station and you will never miss the bright flashes of the iridium communication satellites. ISS Detector will also check if the weather conditions are right. A clear sky is perfect for spotting, you now know when and where to look.
***** App of the week on *****
(week 45 2011)
Follow ISS Detector on twitter: @issdetector
ISS Detector will notify you when the International Space Station is visible from your location.
* Overview of the coming passes
* Weather conditions for perfect sightings
* Radar screen with path indication
* Detection of Iridium flares
* Notifications and Alarms
* Share sightings
* Automatic location and timezone detection
* Widget
* Dedicated tablet layout
Watch the ISS when Gennady Padalka, Sergei Revin, Joe Acaba, Suni Williams, Aki Hoshide and Yuri Malenchenko pay their visit.
Extensions give access to extra features. They can be purchased from within the app. Currently available:
-Donation / Remove ads: €1.00, ~$1.40
-Radio Amateur Satellites/ Remove ads: €1.50, ~$2.00
-Famous Objects / Remove ads: €1.50, ~$2.00
The Radio Amateur Satellite extension will enable ISS Detector to detect ham radio satellites and weather satellites.
The Famous Objects extension will enable ISS Detector to detect satellites and objects in space that are known from the media like: the Hubble Space Telescope, the Kepler space observatory and the X-37B.
This list is updated regularly. Some objects might be to dim to see with the naked eye.
***App on SD-Card***
Due to the use of a background data update service and the presence of a widget it is not possible to install this app on your sd-card. This is a limitation of Android. I try to keep ISSDetector as small as possible.
ISS Detector combines data from Nasa, and weather from
Free Download here